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Is Your Website More Than 3 Years Old? Time for a Redesign!

Is Your Website More Than 3 Years Old? Time for a Redesign!

The majority of customers judge the credibility of your company based on your website. What’s totally functional one year might be completely outdated the next (remember Facebook Fan pages?). Over three years, then, you will certainly need a website redesign,...
Here’s Why an SEO Audit is a Good Idea for Your Website

Here’s Why an SEO Audit is a Good Idea for Your Website

Audit is never a word companies want to hear, but when it comes to Search Engine Optimization (SEO), an audit is a good thing. SEO is a strategy that helps your website rise in search engine results, and it’s based on the principle that your website content...
A look back at 2015’s SEO changes

A look back at 2015’s SEO changes

When it comes to search engine optimization, the only constant is change. If you’re not a dedicated SEO analyst, it can be hard to keep up with what is happening and how it is affecting your website. Here are some of the major changes in SEO – a SEO...
How great photography captures attention

How great photography captures attention

Why use photography on your website If your readers are like the rest of us, their attention spans are probably pretty short. When they can tell at a glance what a page on your website is about, they can decide quickly whether or not they want to read it. A...
Are you ready for Facebook Live Video?

Are you ready for Facebook Live Video?

Thanks to the popularity of apps like Periscope and Meerkat, Facebook is testing a live streaming video function. It’s called “Live Video,” and as of now it is only available to a small percentage of iPhone users in the US. But Facebook Live Video...
Digital Marketing: What’s coming in 2016

Digital Marketing: What’s coming in 2016

The Mid Atlantic digital marketing landscape is always on the move. Just when you’ve mastered this year’s hot new tips, another year is coming right around the corner with even fresher marketing techniques and best practices. These are the trends that we...